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Mothering With My Menstrual Cycle

My Menstrual cycle is the deepest, most authentic & loving tool that I have as a Mother. I never imagined that I’d be sharing those words.


Before my daughter came into my life, my Menstrual cycle was a constant battle. I experienced unbearable pain within Menstruation, and my Pre Menstruation was filled with an overwhelming anxiety & anger. Like so many of us, I was told that ‘it’s just something that you have to learn to live with as a woman’. They eventually discovered that it was caused by PCOS & yet I was never given any help to heal. 

After I had my daughter, I set the intention to heal my Menstrual cycle- for me & for her. I knew that I couldn’t be the mother that I yearned to be if I allowed my cycle to constrict me like before & even more importantly, I wanted my daughter to grow up knowing that her Menstrual cycle will empower her as a woman.

I now THRIVE as a Mother- BECAUSE of my Menstrual cycle.

Our cycle is one of the greatest tools & allies that we have as a Mother. Let me show you how.



Our Menstrual cycle creates a rhythm within us. A rhythm of 4 phases.
Pre Ovulation.
Pre Menstruation.
Each of our 4 phases are here to guide us.



We begin within Menstruation & we usually stay here for 3-7 days. Our Menstruation holds the end of our previous cycle & the beginning of the one to come. Our hormones collapse to the lowest that they’ll be throughout our whole cycle & our energy collapses alongside.

We feel an overwhelming drop in our energy.

We feel ourselves pulled within ourselves & separated from the outside world.

We feel our body naturally move more slowly & with more awareness.

Our energy is fully focused inwards.

This time is for ourselves.

This is our time to rest & recharge our body.

This is our time to nurture & nourish OURSELVES.

As Mothers, it’s so easy to put everyone else's needs before our own. But when we try to continue without acknowledging our bleed, we become drained, depleted & exhausted. THIS is our time to recharge ourselves. The way that we care for ourselves here sets the tone for the rest of our cycle. As you step into your next Menstruation, ask yourself what do YOU need to feel rested? What can you do to nurture YOURSELF? The more that we rest & nurture ourselves within our Menstruation, the more that we’re able to thrive with the phases that follow.


We then move into Pre Ovulation & we usually stay here for 6-10 days. Our Pre Ovulation begins as our bleed ends.

Estrogen gently grows & our energy gently grows alongside.

We feel ready to reconnect with the world in a curious, playful, creative & innocent way.

We feel tolerant & understanding.

We feel cleansed with a renewed sense of being.

Our energy is gently growing outwards.

This time is for our family & dearest people.

This is our time to pour ourselves into our children.

We’re gifted with such a precious energy within this phase. We’re naturally playful, curious, light hearted & FUN. We see the world through the same eyes as them. THIS is the time that our energy is most matched to our children’s. Embrace it. Our relationships with them are able to flourish. Me & my daughter fill this phase with fun & laughter. Endless hours of playing together. She knows that this time is for her. For us.


Ovulation follows & we usually stay here for 3-4 days. Estrogen is SOARING & testosterone joins too. Our energy is abundant & overflowing.

We feel fascinated & fully engaged with the world around us.

We feel generous with our time & energy.

We feel our capability & confidence SOAR.

We feel FULL- in the most beautiful way.

Physically, energetically, emotionally & spiritually abundant. Our energy is fully expressed outwards. This is our time to experience pleasure, passion & joy. This is our time for celebration.

Celebrate yourself.

Celebrate who you are as a Mother.

Celebrate who you are outside of being a Mother.

As Mothers, we can be so hard on ourselves. Embrace your natural confidence within this phase & remind yourself of what a beautiful Mother you are. Fill yourself with words of confidence- they flow effortlessly from you within this phase. Spend some time remembering who you are outside of being a Mother.

What are your passions?

What fills you with joy?

What makes your soul sing?

You experience everything with so much joy at this time.

Go & have FUN.


Finally, comes Pre Menstruation & we usually stay here 10-14 days. Progesterone rules this phase & our energy begins to withdraw inwards. 

We feel the emotions that we’ve pushed down rise to the surface & demand attention.

We feel sensitive & vulnerable, yet also strong & assertive.

We feel our tolerance drop & our boundaries reveal themselves.

Our Pre Menstruation is our most misunderstood & mismanaged phase. This is a very sacred time. During Pre Ovulation & Ovulation, our energy has been focused on others before ourselves. It’s now returned to us. This is our time to listen to ourselves & observe what’s rising. Our inner voice is filled with a natural raw honesty. Everything that we’ve pushed down rises up.

Our patience as Mothers drains away.

Our Pre Menstruation reveals to us what needs to shift.

It shows us what WE need.

Are you feeling overwhelmed?

Are you feeling impatient?

Are you feeling anxious?

Are you feeling angry?

Ask yourself WHY & observe what rises.


Me & my daughter speak so openly about my Menstrual cycle.  She is so attuned to it. She knows the phase of my cycle that I’m in by the way that I'm talking with her & the way that I’m showing up in the world. She knows that I can show up for her in different ways depending upon which phase I’m in. She knows what's happening within my body, & she knows that one day it will happen to hers too. She knows that her Menstrual cycle is the greatest gift that she will have as a woman.

When I bleed, she nurtures me.

She massages my stomach.

She runs me a bath.

She picks me flowers.

She strokes my hair.

She knows that she’s loved & safe within each one of my phases.

She’s in tune with my cycle & this will one day pass on to her.

One day, I’ll be massaging her stomach, running her baths, picking her flowers & stroking her hair & it fills me with so much warmth to see the cycle of us & our children.

What an incredible world we’re creating through showing our children what a gift women have within them.

Written by Eliza Jones from Land of the Lalla